I think I am that kind of person who thrives with schedules and To-do-Lists mainly because I am not a very disciplined person and I have so many things that I wanted to do because I have many interests and hobbies and wants and needs and duties and excuses..
But time was a huge constraint after a kid, juggling with kid, work, family and house care, many of my juggling duties fell all over the place due to lack of rest both physically and mentally. It was not easy neither was it that hard if one is willing to give up sleep, rest and time for oneself. I do not recommend that second option to anyone because I think it leaves you a very very dry person and that leads to some nasty side effects on me.
After much considerations, I have decided to buy 'time'. I got someone to help me with my house care and some of the toddler playtime. That has surprisingly gave me a fresh outlook to this whole work at home mom life that I have been struggling with for the past 1 and a half year.
I finally got the time to fully concentrate on my work during the allocated time frame daily which reduced a lot of my stress tremendously. I am able to practice on my piano on a daily basis compared to the weekly practice that I struggle with initially. I was able to negotiate for an 'off-day' on some weekends to do what I like to do instead of trying to work on my crafts and struggling to keep a pair of tiny hands off the dangerous stuff on the table. My house has started to get more order. A tidy environment is conducive for an uncluttered mind in my case.
As at this very moment, my house is only 30% uncluttered. I need to do a massive spring cleaning which has been overdue for 3 years. The question at this moment is do I take the whole day off work and try to tackle this cleaning project or should i work and procrastinate the cleaning to the weekend which I might choose some other more enjoyable activities.