Friday, 10 April 2015

Look at the bright side of life

For the longest time I can remember, I love cold milk. Nothing beats the joy of gulping down a glass of iced cold milk.

So you can imagine my horror when I realised I am lactose intolerance at the age of 20 plus. It is so bad to the extend that I cannot eat ice cream for 2 days in a row. However, every cloud has a silver lining.

Constipation seems to be a common issue for pregnant women and I am not excluded. However, I have a really quick and nice fix to this tiny problem. Whenever I feel slightly congested, a nice ice cream cone will do the trick. Ho Ho ho...

Now I wish there is such a fix for the nausea and puking.

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Seasons of life

Recently, I am in a season of my life which is both familiar and distant to me.

I have completely stopped all my crafting activities, the only craft related stuffs that I do now is occasional checks of my favourite crafting blogs and the 1-second look at my Work-In-Pogress piles on some days and wished that i could just crochet a few stitches or paint a tiny bit on the journal.

However, time when my mind is clear is so precious that I usually spend them on work, putting food on the table and interacts with lil Joy. The rest of the time, i am usually on bed resting.

It is good when one can rest but when one has to rest for long duration of time, it starts to get frustrating or maybe it only happens to me. I start to feel useless and the stress from the undone work starts to freaks me out mentally.

I have started to recognise that I am in a very different season of my life. Gone are the days when I can just do what I want and what I need to. As I spend more time brooding over the 'freedom' of others who are doing what they love doing. I realised that I was once in that season and that season will come back to me in the future differently.

It is now a season for me to slow my pace down for my own wants and needs, a season for me to nurture the next generation. Patience and endurance is needed while I try to appreciate what this season brings for me.