Wednesday, 27 July 2016


I have never been a morning person, except during those years when I had morning sessions during school days. Yah.. I am those who can sleep till 11am or even later if you let me to.

I used to try to have my 'me' time at night but realised that it is not working well. Either I fall asleep with the kids after they have slept or I ended staying up too late or my mind got too active to sleep. So you know, you sleep late, you most probably ended up waking up late the next day or severely sleep deprived.

It took me close to 3 years to get into a more comfortable kind of routine (if my kids let me have sufficient sleep during the night). After close to 4 years of being in motherhood, morning time becomes a coveted time.

Nothing beats waking up fresh in the morning and no one bugs you and you can have a clear mind to start the day.

Of course, what really happens after that depends on situations which sometimes dwindle to a very stressed up day but hey.. at least I get a good start. :D

So a GOOD Morning to you all.

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