Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Starting official school

Early October, I have enrolled lil Joy into an official school for her Nursery 2. It is a bit late cause we were left with the last term for this year. Nonetheless, it is better than nothing, this is one of the thing that we have to work around for our house move.

I have chosen the school based on Lil Joy's liking and the deposition of all the school teachers. Yes, ALL of them. It is a small school with 4 teachers and all of them are great, so I do not need to be in the mercy of the teachers' rooster. I really hate to be hoping for the nice teacher to teach my girl. 

School started with a glitch. We had the occasional crying from lil Joy when we drop her at school during the first 2 weeks and after that she is always running with joy towards the school door. So where is the glitch when she loves her school and the school teachers are great?

The teacher called me in on the first week, highlighting to me tat lil Joy couldn't write. I told her truthfully, I have not been teaching her how to write yet. The teachers were worried that she might have difficulty with her worksheets if she can't write in K1 next year. One teacher even offered to start a penmanship course for her. I asked them to give me a month and I will try to work on her writing. 

It was really one stressful month for me because I had to work out a routine with her to practice writing since our homeschool time slot had been taken up by her official school. Somehow, I managed to work out a 'one writing worksheet a day' routine after her afternoon nap. 

Thankfully, this month I am starting to receive feedbacks from her school teacher that she is improving on her writing and is able to copy simple words onto her exercise book. I even got a bonus when the teacher asked me in and lil Joy read a whole storybook to me. All these were achieved in the days when she happily go for classes.

With the more critical issue out of the way, I focus on another areas that I need to work on. 

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