I invested the whole morning to cooking up a storm to freeze for the week. Of cos there r simple things to cook. But sometimes, i just wan to pop a meal into the oven or instant pot and be done with it. N some dishes r just more elaborate.
Dish 1.. pasta in mushroom sauce.

Dish 2.. terriyaki chicken to be toss into instant pot.
#freezermeal #instantpot #homecooked

Here is my Joy.. in the pool for yer 2nd swimming lesson. And we r late again.. cos the timing is in the mid of Jr J nap time. I planned to leave earlier.. i even packed earlier.. but everything seems to be dragging cos it is hard to get ready for 3 ppl. Next week i will leave 1 hr b4 class time.

The top of my cardigan.. first time trying top down knitting.. slightly nervous.. haha...
#knitting #knitpro #knit #cardigan

Using the same yarn.. i started a shawl too.. now abit worried that my yarn is not enough for both projects..
#crochet #shawl #thesecretpath
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