Sewed an angel gown today.. hopefully. Still have 6 more to go.. they r time consuming.. it takes me lots of time to prep them to sewing stage.. n i still have buttons to be sew on them.
Well.. the good news is.. the first piece with lining is done.. production line mode is now on...
#angelgown #sewing

Taking a break from the production line.. basically i just pin the vest n ribbons on and sew them. All the balance 5 pieces of them.

Then sew the top for the main fabric.

Same for the linings too.
Advantage of production line sewing. Saved me lots more thinking. Haha. Think once n just repeat the same action 5 times.

Break again ...
Sew the lining n main fabric together for the next step.

Then snip snip snip on the curved seams.

Sew the arm seams n the side seams.. n the bottom of the gown.. ya.. this is the most tideous part..
Mainly becos the lining of this wedding gown was not meant for such small project.. it frayed like mad even after i have serged it.

N u tot it is done???
Nope.. after turning over.. i still need to top stitch it.. add on buttons n bowtie..
N this is 1 out of the 5 gown for the 2 hrs i have spent on the sewing table.

I managed to rushed them out to the stage that they just need to be top stitched.
Before hubby rushed us out for dinner. The gowns r more time consuming than i had anticipated.. if u noticed.. i mentioned 6 more gowns there r only 5 here.
Becos the last gown will be a gal gown and i have yet to think about its design yet.
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