Can u see wat is inside?
Cos my gal loves pao skin.. i tot she might like mantou. So tried making them for the first time instead of getting the frozen ones.
I love my bread machine when i got time. But actually this morning is quite irritating cos i am still undergoing the drilling torture after 1 mth. Haiz..

Tadah... n they r done.
Not the prettiest now awaiting them to cool n pass the taste test.
Definitely need to improve on the smooth surface.
Today.. i had a sneak peak of life to be. Lil joy had to go for her concert rehearsal in the afternoon instead of her usual morning class.
N afternoon is jr J's nap time. N i had 3 solid hrs of total peace. I worked twice as fast with 50% less stress. Even i cannot believe it myself.
Until i realise i almost forgot to pick lil joy up from school. Haha..
I am looking forward to the days when both r in school.

Oh... n we have bruce lim at home.. to guard our house. Dun play play.
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