Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Crochet hook handle

I have gotten myself the full set of the Clover Amour Crochet hooks and I never look back again. They are comfortable, colorful and useful tools for people who crochet (aka me).

There are times when I have to use hook sizes that do not come in the set, like the 1.0mm hooks for my crochet bead bracelets and they are a pain in the fingers to work with. I have planned to make handles for them for a long time and ideally, I want to use polymer clay. However, the thoughts of digging my clay out and setting up my oven has made me procrastinate this plan for the longest time.

That day, an idea lighted up and it's the perfect opportunity for me to use up those felt fibres that I have gotten to try out felting (which i realised quickly that it's not my cup of craft). So a felted handle was made for my 1.0mm..


I will say that it works to reduce the pain caused by that extremely skinny handle but it takes a lot of time to felt this thing up. I am still using the felting needle to poke it once in a while when i feel like it to make it firmer. I suppose I am the only person who felt by instalments. In conclusion, the amount of time I used to make this felt handle is most likely enough for me to make clay handles for all my steel hooks. Well, i have to find some good use for the felt somehow so it is still a good attempt.

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