Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Temper in the public

Sometimes, I get surprise tantrums from lil Joy when we are out. They do come in all sorts of styles and situations.

Last night, Lil Joy has a strong opinion against her dad's decision to stop her from running around in the library while I was borrowing books. She cried really loudly in the peaceful library. I calmly brought her outside and told her that she is not allowed to run in the library. This method obviously does not work for a two year old. Lil Joy avoided eye contact and kept wanting to run off. She threw a little tantrum by crying and sitting on the floor.

Honestly, I do not know what to do and so I waited till she has calm down a little and ask her to look into the library. I pointed to her that the people inside the library are all walking and they do not run. So I pointed to every single person who walked past the entrance to emphasis my point. When I thought I saw the light in her eyes that signal "oh.. people walk in the library", I held her hands and told her that we are going to walk into the library this time. So we did a little walk into the library back to the same location where she had been running about just a while ago and then out of the library.

I really hope that this little exercise do get something into the little mind of her.


  1. we are at that stage now too where L gets frustrated not getting to do what he wants, and yes so far the only way has been to wait it out and then talk to him.
    they grow up so fast, very soon they will understand all that we say. :)

  2. Ya.. they will grow up and understand us better. There is a lot work for us, parents to do so they grow up in the 'right' way :D let's all Jiayou
