Sunday 25 February 2018

the day the cow came to stay with us

Just random bits of a Friday afternoon, we chanced upon a lion dance performance after picking up Lil Joy from school. See how excited this little man is.

The rest of the evening was even better, with an amazon delivery which arrived earlier than we expected. There are 3 boxes of these 100 crayola color pencils, yes, 3 of them. One for me, one for lil Joy and one for my niece.

Whenever I get loads of colors, it is just pure happiness.

Along with the color pencils, came 3 cows. Hahaha, yes, 3 of them again, one for us and 2 for our nephews. Man, our family is really growing..

The cow is well loved with lots of riding from the kids and she gets fed and milked regularly.

Hubby came home with a rainbow cake as a surprise and Jr Joy surprised us by planning to eat it with his chopsticks. I thought it was funny and wanna to capture this moment before it never happens again.

I ended the nite by indulging in my rainbow addiction. nothing beats laying all the colors out and just look at them?? Actually I was doing color swatches for them.