Not long after lil Joy was born and after I have gotten into the groove of caring for her basic needs, I realised there is not much I can do with a newborn lying on the bed. It was then when I decided to do flashcards with lil Joy. I started out by making number dots flashcards for her in the earlier days. I did attempt to make word cards but the results are not satisfying and that was the end of my flashcards making days.
Recently I came across My First Learning Card Series at the Popular Bookshop and was happy that for the price of $7.90 I can get 40 picture cards with photographs instead of cartoon drawings. The cards are of good size and have both Chinese and English words on the back of the pictures. I got the vegetables and fruits and animals series first and soon realised that they are such good cards that I went back to get the rest of the series except for the 123 and ABC series.
I have already discarded the boxes of the first 2 series but is sharing with you the front and back packaging of the rest of the series I have just gotten. Ya, it seems long winded but I had wished that I could read these online instead of trying to figure out what is in the box at the bookshop with a young toddler in tow.
Front of the Transport series
Back of transport series which is in Chinese.
Front of Food series
Back of Food Series
Front of Daily Necessities Series
Back of Daily Necessities series

All the boxes come with a plastic handle which makes it easy for you to carry it around. However this feature was not very useful to me which I will let you know why shortly.
The flashcards are brightly coloured and the words are big and clear on the back. As stated on the box, these flashcards are meant for 3 years old and above so the cards used are of not thick enough to withstand the rough handling of lil Joy who is less than 2 years old.
And so.. I laminated all of them painstakingly. i have laminated two of the series which means 80 cards. There is no laminating pouches that is the size of the cards and so I have used the A4 pouches and cut them out by hand. But it is totally worth all the hard work because the quality flash cards seemed to have levelled up after the lamination and I have no worries about them being chewed, crushed or drawn on when I am using them with lil Joy.
Only thing to take note is, never leave these cards with young children because it will not be long before they get thrown onto the floor which is the perfect formula to slip and fall.
Here is the comparison of a stack of cards before and after lamination. This is the reason why I have discarded the boxes because the laminated cards does not fit anymore.
My thought on My First Learning Card Series
The fact that I have gone back to get the rest of the series shows how much I liked them. The colours of the photographs are vibrant and clear. If I do not have a laminating machine, I will just deem them as cheap and flimsy cards. Considering that I have having the plan (without action) to print pictures and laminate them as flashcards on my own, these cards have been a shortcut for me. In a nutshell, the cost for each of the card cost about 35 cents plus the time I spend on laminating them.
Now I just have to go back to laminate the rest of the 120 cards that I have just bought.